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Posted on 3 Dec , 2022

Richard Daws at the Theatres Trust National Conference

Richard Daws at the Theatres Trust National Conference

In October Komedia’s Richard Daws was invitedTTC2022 (R Daws The Business Theatres wide) to the speak the Theatre’s Trust national conference  sharing his expereinces in venue operation and community ownership. He spoke in the session – The Business of Theatres, covering the evolution of Komedia Brighton and renovation of a grade 2 listed theatre Komedia Bath and the conversion of that business into community ownership with the help of Crowdfunder UK and Dave Boyle

The panel consisted of speakers from the Awen Cultural TrustSelladoor Worldwide and Brixton House. As interesting as that session and others were, the day might be remembered for points raised by writer Maddy Costa relating to diversity, or lack of it. Having cross checked, that is not something that could not have been levelled at the event overall , though it was a thought provoking interjection and, reflecting society, the industry is on a long journey.

The highlights of the conference included Amaarah Roze and Roisin Feeny‘s RD TT Event Squareslideless but engaging SOUNDS LiKE CHAOS presentation and the opening by Transition Network Founder, Rob Hopkins who facilitated time travel encouraging the audience to imagine what could be achieved in five years’ time.