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Posted on 19 Apr , 2013

Just You, Me and the Mountain Goat

Just You, Me and the Mountain Goat

clint1Edinburgh Fringe 2006

Clint Westwood – Just You, Me and the Mountain Goat

It looks like a childhood dream of becoming a cowboy has come true for guitarist and line dancing fanatic Clint Westwood.

Hotfoot from the County Roundup Award Presentations (Gatwick Dept.) he has come to tell the tale of his intriguing yet imaginary past – tales of growing up on the farm in Colorado with his curious family, his heartbreak and subsequent travels are recounted with the zeal and enthusiasm of a person who could actually have been there.

Along the way we are treated to a selection of tunes from his forthcoming album ‘The Complete Clint’. Songs of roundups, rustlers and the 7.36 from Victoria.